Is Islam a Violent Religion


True, it is widely acknowledged that violence is not related to any specific religion, but at the same time whenever an incident of violence takes place, eyes automatically turn toward Muslims and fingers point at them. In such a situation their religious identity is hyped without fail, whereas non-Muslims, an individual or a group, committing the same offense are never identified by their religion. The statement of a famous Indian politician that “all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims,” reflects the same mindset.

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Islam Architect of Progressive Civilization

Book Type Hardcopy
Author Dr. Shah Ebadur Rahman Neshat
Language English
Pages 89
ISBN Awaited
Publisher Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Study Circle, New Delhi


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Although the opposition of Islam is as old as Islam itself is, it has assumed a formidable proportion and new dimensions in recent years. Formerly, criticism of Islam was generally theoretical and was confined to the specific geographical area where there was some kind of trouble. But in our age it has grown into a “Global War on Terror” in which terrorist attack on one country and retaliatory invasion on the other was witnessed by the world in the recent past for the first time. In this war Muslims are at the receiving end. It is alleged that Muslims are inherently prone to terrorism as their religion itself teaches them violence and so there is no point in expecting that they will ever show a civic sense, live in peace, take kindly to modernity and contribute to the progress of their society and nation.


True, it is widely acknowledged that violence is not related to any specific religion, but at the same time whenever an incident of violence takes place, eyes automatically turn toward Muslims and fingers point at them. In such a situation their religious identity is hyped without fail, whereas non-Muslims, an individual or a group, committing the same offense are never identified by their religion. The statement of a famous Indian politician that “all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims,” reflects the same mindset.


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